Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Monday, June 18, 2007

Muum Muum???

His appetite is back! He is asking for muum muum all the time. Biscuits, fruits, anything and everything he sees. He will bring and put it at yr hand and pull yr hand, asking you to open and give it to him.

This is him eating his choc muffin. And then after every bite he will Nod Nod Nod. Don't know for what, maybe saying that its yummy. Oh, he loves Dunkin' Donuts Double Choc donut too. There's once we stopped in front of Dunkin' Donuts, he dropped his pacifier, pointed at the donuts and said "MUUM MUUM!!!!!!". That's his favourite word for now!


Anonymous said...

i can see mummy nodding nodding also lar... hahahaha

Annie Q said...

wow...Jayden love the food so much!!!

TripleJin said...

hey..let him try the Big Apple Donut! It is less oiler and very light! Very VERY NICE ALSO!!! From the curve!

etceteramommy said...

At least u could kept in on his seat... such good boy.

Wah.. mummy has very slim arm :P

Anonymous said...

You see lah.. ! your jayden so clever to eat..! my chloe.. everything also donch wanna eat.. till today ahhh..!! anything new.. she sees.. she says yak first..!! if you make her try.. she would cry.. like we make her eat poison..!!